Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Library 2.0: Brave New Library

I'm dubious whether I'll find myself swimming through the blogosphere with ease. Somewhere on the way to libraries of the future I find myself checking out the latest star gossip (what'sup with Lindsay in the last 5 minutes?), then suddenly gagging. The articles on Library 2.0, building on Web 2.0 , were fascinating, as they focused on the morphing of libraries into user-centered, more technically friendly gathering places. Yea, we will be both a place of information and a conduit for information. Meanwhile, we spend much time on recommending and acquiring books for bookclubs, talking about books, reading books and reviews of books, helping our favorite older customers find and enjoy books, setting up displays of books, placing dazzling books in the hands of our youngest customers, attending workshops about books, and shifting books around. I love thinking about technorati and and the brave new library of the future: information strategically organized by the techno-librarian for the "Starbucks"-caffeinated customer. Where'd I put my progressives?

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